Reduction In Homeowner's Insurance: One Of The Many Benefits Of A Home Security System

Tuesday, July 17, 20120 Comments

By Ken Jezioro

Did you ever think that something designed to protect your home could protect your wallet, too! Home security systems can save lives, give peace of mind and save money. One Buffalo home security systems company estimates that homeowners can realize a savings of up to 20 percent on their homeowners insurance with a security system certificate of installation.

The trend toward home security systems is growing. Nationally, nearly one out of three private homes is equipped with a home alarm system. Definitely effective in deterring burglaries, homes with alarm systems are far less likely to be burglarized than homes without security systems.

Technological advancements have made security systems more mainstream, as security devices are easier to operate today than they were ten years ago. Homes equipped with security systems are 5 times less likely to be burglarized than homes without systems.

Security systems deter more than just burglary and home invasions. Fire and smoke detection systems are increasingly popular (and affordable) add-ons. Professionally installed home alarm systems can also be equipped to handle medical emergency notifications, carbon monoxide threats and even alert parents when children arrive home from school. The possibilities are virtually endless. More sophisticated systems automate lights and thermostats, thereby reducing home energy costs.

There are basically two types of security systems. The first is designed to protect property and the second protects people as well as property. Both types of systems offer protection. When buying a security system, homeowners need to decide what they want protection from. Although it may sound complicated, deciding which security system is right for you is really quite simple.

Vacation homes and rental properties may utilize a "space protection" system. While it features a quick installation and lower cost, this type of system generally can't be utilized while the structure is occupied because the motion detectors will be tripped with movement. Unfortunately, the system only detects a burglar after he has already gained entry.

"Perimeter protection" security systems are a better choice for active families with kids and pets. Because they can be fully utilized when at home, these systems offer added peace of mind, protecting people as well as property. Burglars are deterred from even entering the premises because all accessible points of entry are armed. When unwelcomed entry is detected, the loud siren and sound of law enforcement approaching sends burglars running for cover.

Summer marks the high season for burglaries because families often travel during June, July and August, leaving their homes empty for longer periods of time. This season also delivers college kids selling "free" alarm systems door to door for out of state alarm companies who then sell your personal information to a central monitoring service. Homeowners need to beware of these scams and are better off dealing with a local alarm company who has a true and vested interest in maintaining an upstanding reputation by offering better service than the national companies. Consumers should not have to pay more than $25/ month for basic security system monitoring, either. Those "free" systems that are so popular these days can, in the end, cost thousands of dollars if the consumer isn't wise and forgets to read the fine print.

In the end, your home security and family safety is a very serious matter. Don't take chances of fall for sales gimmicks like "FREE" Home Security System. Let's face it, nothing in this world is ever free. Read the fine print. Don't get tricked into overpriced long term contracts. Decent home alarm systems are an investment in your family's safety and a smart financial move to keep the family budget intact.

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