Great Gardening Advice Everyone Needs To Know

Wednesday, July 4, 20120 Comments

By Clifford Gill

You can create a great English garden by mixing types and sizes in one bed. Having plants that grow to the same height will result in a common and flat looking bed.

Soak your seeds in a dark spot during the overnight hours. Soak the seeds by placing them in a container where they are covered with water. This lets water soak into the seeds, giving them an extra boost of hydration when they start growing. The young plants will survive better, and get a boost toward maturity.

Choose plants that will give you the most yield at harvest time. Frequently, a hybrid plant will produce a higher yield because of its disease-resistant properties.

You can help provide nutrients by watering your plants with room temperature water that is leftover after cooking vegetables. For gardenias and rhododendrons, try putting your used coffee grounds or tea bags in the soil so they may acquire the acid they need for proper growth. If you find that you have a fungus problem, try sprinkling some chamomile tea on your plants.

Try to have a plan with your garden. That way, if you see your plants beginning to bud but can't recall what they are, you can refer back to your plan to refresh your memory. In addition, some plants are so small you might forget you planted them once all your plants sprout. Planning stops these plants from getting lost in the crowd.

Take a look at planting berry-producing evergreens in your yard. These help to give your garden nice looking color, even during winter when most vegetation is colorless. Other winter plants include the American Holly, Winterberry, The American Cranberrybush and the Common Snowberry.

Surround your vegetable plants with organic mulch, a few inches worth. Mulch will retain water so that you won't have to water your plants as often. It also helps prevent weeds from growing. You'll save a ton of time if you don't have to constantly pull out weeds.

Cooling weather of early fall signals the opportune time to plant seasonal edibles. Try planting your fall veggies, especially leafy greens, inside of a pumpkin! Cut an opening in the pumpkin and scoop the insides out. Then spray the edges and empty inside of the pumpkin with Wilt-Pruf so the pumpkin doesn't rot. Finished? Now you're all set for planting!

Make sure you protect your knees well while you are gardening. Bending over for extended periods can be harmful to your joints and muscles. Kneeling allows you to reach your plants easily and is healthier for your back and legs. To protect your knees while gardening, you should get a pad to kneel on or at least use a folded up towel.

Water is a necessity if you want to have a healthy garden. Just like people. plants need water in order to survive. During the hot days of summer, water your plants often to ensure that your plants do not dry out. Consistent watering contributes to a flourishing garden.
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